Continuing our discussion of competitive analysis, in this second part, we go into a more detailed analysis of competitors. In part I, we recommended selecting a diverse list of competitors to examine. After performing a SWOT analysis and gathering information about them such as their market share, customers, financials, and vendors, a more detailed analysis would provide further insight. It can help you in finding a better marketing positioning and creating your marketing plan.
29 December, 2021
27 December, 2021
Key Business Concepts 101: Competitive Analysis
By: Lotfi Al-Sarori
In the last article of Key Business Concepts 101, we started our discussion of performing competitive analysis, and focused on the very well-known Porter’s Five Forces. It is a key framework which can provide businesses with very valuable insight into their industry, market, and competition. In this article, we pick up the pace and go into more details regarding competitive analysis.
Figure 1- Methods for Strategic Business Planning |
22 December, 2021
How can bad debt impact your telecom business?
By: Omar Abdul-Hafiz
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But what exactly does bad debt do to your business if left untreated? In this article, we will focus on 3 major effects bad debt can have on your telecom business.
20 December, 2021
Key Business Concepts 101: Porter’s Five Forces
By: Lotfi Al-Sarori
Continuing our topic on tools for strategic business planning from our previous article, today we further our discussion on the topic and discuss performing competitive analysis using Porter’s Five Forces framework.
To perform competitive analysis for your business, you would need to evaluate the market, and study the competition. A good start would be to explore market reports related to your industry. These are things like market size, key players, industry trends, etc., which can provide you with valuable insights. Understanding the different aspects of your industry and knowing your competitors is crucial to the success of your business. One particular model that is very useful in this area is by Michael E. Porter. It can provide you with a holistic view of where you stand relative to your competition and the industry in general.
15 December, 2021
Key Business Concepts 101: Strategic Planning Tools- PESTLE and SWOT
By: Lotfi Al-Sarori
In a previous article about Key Business Concepts 101, we covered the topics of business process and how to improve their quality. The article was an introduction into the world of business management and its concepts, and it was planned to be the first article in a series about business management and planning topics. Continuing our discussion on the topic, in this article, we take a look at strategic business management aspects and the common techniques used in strategic planning.
Establishing and running a business requires careful planning. Strategic planning is the first step in strategic business management. It requires thorough analysis and proper preparations to make sure that the work to be done is based on careful study and a justified approach.
13 December, 2021
How a powerful CRM system can enhance your collection process
By: Omar Abdul-Hafiz
In a previous article, we talked about the 6 components of resilient collections management system. In particular, we discussed the 3 main systems: the dunning and collection system, the dispute management system, and the legal management system. We also touched upon three essential elements in powerful collections management: personalized collections scenarios, automatic action reversal, and the ability to integrate easily with 3rd party systems.
In this article, we will discuss in some detail the question: How does the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system help in enhancing your collection process?
06 December, 2021
4 promising trends in the 2022 Cloud landscape
By: Omar Abdul-Hafiz
In a previous article, we discussed 3 major trends in telecom that are likely to make some noise in 2022. Of these trends, we touched upon Cloud-based systems. And truth be told, the Cloud industry has made a name for itself as a big player on the tech scene in recent years. Its numerous advantages compared to in-house systems cannot be overlooked.
Thus, it would be interesting to have a look at some of the hottest topics on the Cloud landscape. In this article, we will discuss 4 rising Cloud trends for 2022.
29 November, 2021
How telecommunications have become inherently integral to our lives
By: Lana Bawaneh
The word telecommunications comes from the Greek prefix tele-, which means "distant," combined with the Latin word communicare, which means "to share."
From the beginning of time, people tried to figure out many ways to communicate remotely with each other. Starting with the primitive methods of communication to deliver some kind of messages, such as drums and smoke signals to mechanical communication devices such as the telegraph. Back then, the telegraph helped a lot in shortening the communications from days, weeks, and even months to only hours.
The technology also extended with new inventions such as the telephone, the radio, television, and later, video telephony, satellites, mobile phones, and the Internet. All of these technological advances changed how people live and communicate.
22 November, 2021
6 essential components of a resilient telecom collection management system
By: Omar Abdul-Hafiz
In the business world, there’s a general rule that must be obeyed for any company to survive and grow. It is quite simple. As a business, just as it is important for you to produce high-quality products and offer customers a great user experience and support, so should your customers pay their dues so you can continue to make them happy!
Failing to collect customers’ payments is what is generally known as bad debt.
Bad debt is a very major problem in business at large. According to Gartner’s finance research, the year 2020 witnessed a 26% increase in bad debt cases. This should give you an idea of how this is a very serious matter.
The telecom industry is no exception from this serious dilemma. And to overcome it, you should look for a powerful collections management system. Therefore, in this article, we will take a detailed look at the major components that you should look for in a resilient collections management system.
So, here we go!
15 November, 2021
3 trends to look out for in the telecom sector by 2022
By: Omar Abdul-Hafiz
As the world continues to witness radical changes on the economic and technological landscapes, we can see a lot of rapidly trending changes in how we do business. For example, Deloitte, the multinational professional services network, told its staff earlier this year that they can work from home, forever! This tendency of many companies around the world to include working from home into their normal business policies thus leaves a lot of pressure on providing them with better, more reliable communication tools. After all, a remote work environment is simply futile without a reliable Internet connection and handy voice and video conferencing tools.
As such, the race towards better, more advanced telecommunication technologies will only continue to intensify. In light of this, here are a few of the most trending communications technologies to look out for in the next couple of years.
08 November, 2021
Once upon a pandemic: Reflections on Crisis Management and Disaster Recovery
By: Omar Abdul-Hafiz
Around this time last year, the world was still freshly coping with the sudden and forceful impact of the COVID pandemic. Lockdowns were still strictly applied in many parts of the world and the vaccines were still in their early research stages.
Numerous studies and articles were written about the different aspects of the pandemic and lessons that we can pick up from it for the future. All these studies, however, point in one direction:
In order for businesses to survive through perilous circumstances, they need a strong ability to adapt, make well-informed on-spot decisions, and also learn from mistakes and improve accordingly.
In light of that, this article sheds the light on some of the core elements that need to be in place for successful crisis navigation.
01 November, 2021
Key Business Benefits of Dashboard Software Systems
By: Lana Bawaneh & Omar Abdulhafiz
In the past, business people could spend a lot of effort collecting, monitoring, and analyzing data from different data sources in order to generate reports that help them in making decisions. This process requires a lot of time that could otherwise be better utilized in managing business and making business improvements.
The past is behind us now, however, or so it should be. Today, there’s a need for a digitalized tool that can get this job done automatically with minimal time and effort. In fact, businesses nowadays need more than a tool that processes and aggregates large sums of data quickly and efficiently. What they need, in addition to that, is a tool that produces elaborate visual representations of data related to business operations, performance, and other sophisticated industry-specific metrics.
But there’s no need to worry, as this has become possible now with the invention of the advanced business dashboard system!
data analytics,
25 October, 2021
7 Key Benefits of Document Management Systems
By: Ola Azzouqa
Documents are an essential component of work in any company. Managing business information from various sources can be a demanding task that requires a lot of effort and takes too much time.
We have previously discussed the 8 Features Every Document Management System Must Have. And in this article, we will go over 7 key benefits of having such a system.
There are numerous challenges associated with dealing with documents. Employees usually spend a lot of time searching for documents as well as archiving them and managing their releases and versions.
document management,
18 October, 2021
The evolution of data analytics
By: Omar Abdulhafiz
Throughout the past several years, the world was inundated with different interrelated terms such as “data”, “data analysis”, “data analytics”, “business intelligence”, “predictive analytics, and many more. This has caused a lot of confusion over what each of them means and what it is for. This confusion is problematic among many professionals including HR staff, which often leads to misleading job positions.
In this article, we will try to tackle this dilemma by briefly tracing the history of data science and how it came to be the way we know it today. As we go, we will clarify the most critical terms the contributed to this mix-up. This shall enable you to differentiate between these terms more easily.
So, let us begin.
data analytics,
data mining,
11 October, 2021
Top 4 Benefits and 5 Key Features of Implementing a Robust Workflow Software for Business Process Management
By: Lana Bawaneh
Workflows are considered a vital element in any successful business. The smoother and more organized they are, the more capable the business will be to achieve its strategic goals efficiently and effectively. But what exactly are workflows and what makes their role so essential?
To answer these questions, let us begin by defining what workflows are.
According to Investopedia, the term “Workflow” describes the steps in a business work process through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion; and how these steps can be executed and automated according to a set of procedural rules.
04 October, 2021
6 Key Differences Between Cloud & On-Premise Systems : Which One Is Better for You?
By: Ola Azzouqa & Lotfi Al-Sarori
The world is continuously changing with new technology. Many companies are carefully taking their first steps into a new world that is constantly adapting to new circumstances. It has been common to use on-premise systems to manage business operations. Nevertheless, new technologies like the Cloud have emerged to transform how companies operate.
Deciding on the technology that’s best suited to manage your business, products, and data can be rather tricky. However, one good place to start would be a comparison between on-premise and Cloud systems. This may give you a clearer idea of what works better for your business based on your requirements and needs.
27 September, 2021
Key Business Concepts 101: Quality and Process Improvement
By: Lotfi Al-Sarori
“Better safe than sorry”, a saying by Samuel Lover that we hear, usually as a friendly advice, when we are about to pursue an endeavor that requires cautiousness to minimize risks. This entails, for example, being well-prepared when starting a new business, project, or just a family trip. Planning the details of every step you take and making sure everything is done properly is essential to avoid risks, time wastage, and unnecessary expenses, and to get the results you seek. Similarly, organizations create business and operational plans to implement and follow throughout the year to achieve the objectives they seek in an efficient and productive manner.
20 September, 2021
The 3 main pillars of Insurance Management Automation
By: Omar Abdul-Hafiz
It’s a well-known fact that the race toward digital transformation continues to intensify across all facets of business, and the Insurtech market is not an exception. According to recent statistics, the Insurtech market is expected to garner a whopping $158.99 billion by 2030 at a CAGR of 32.7% during the forecast period of 2021-2030!
What this tells us is that there is a rising trend toward digitalization and automation in the insurance industry worldwide. The driving forces behind this trend include the race toward providing customer-centric services, as well as finding more effective methods for fraud detection. All these factors make Insurtech the go-to solution for much of the rising challenges in the insurance industry.
In this article, we shall shed the light on 3 of the core elements of an Insurance management system. Although we touched upon these three core elements briefly in an article last year, it would be useful to shed the light on them in some more detail here.
So, here we go.
13 September, 2021
How will insurance digital self-service elevate your business productivity?
By: Lotfi Alsarori
The increasing demand for superior products and better services in a timely manner is pushing companies toward more customer-centric strategies. Today, customers are more empowered and require more control over provided services. Customer care systems are enabling better customer management and are helping companies cope with these demands. One type of systems that enable customers to manage their information and fulfill their tasks on demand are self-service portals and mobile apps.
Nearly 9 out of 10 people think businesses should have a digital customer self-service system according to Statista. Self-service is an evolving trend that enables customers to perform their required activities without the need to seek help from the company representatives. This can significantly and positively reflect on the company’s operating cost, time, and efforts as well as increase customer satisfaction.
06 September, 2021
So, what are all these Cloud acronyms, IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, XaaS? and what is a private Cloud?
By: Lotfi Al-Sarori
Cloud-based systems are becoming increasingly common today. We see cloud hosting being used at the personal level, such as to back up our phone content or share documents with family and friends. They are also commonly popular in businesses to support collaborative work environments for example. However, what does cloud-based entail? Moreover, we keep hearing terms like private Cloud, public Cloud, SaaS (Software as a Service), but what do they really mean.
Let’s begin by defining how a system hosted online can be private.
private cloud,
public cloud,
30 August, 2021
How microfinance is making communities prosper
By: Lana Bawa’neh
A lot of people, or even small organizations, might face complications in obtaining small loans and other basic financial services. Microfinance is a key strategy that can support people in such situations. It enables them to become financially independent by fulfilling their financial needs and allowing them to achieve their goals in times of economic difficulty. This is where the need for microfinance institutions comes into play to help those people or organizations grow and flourish.
Microfinance institutions make it easier for people and small enterprises to access loans, insurance, and investments and get the money they need to improve their businesses.
Financial Management,
23 August, 2021
How to empower your employees to become decision makers
By: Omar Abdul-Hafiz
In the business world today, a successful company adopts an agile and dynamic business model. Long gone are the days when business administration depended on a highly bureaucratic and restrictive scheme of work. As the world continues to move at a much faster speed, the need to adapt to changes becomes ever more critical.
And one of the major steps every company should consider taking to establish a dynamic business model is to promote a certain degree of decision-making among its staff members.
But how can you do this successfully? Here are some key aspects to think about.
16 August, 2021
8 Features Every Document Management System Must Have
By: Ola Azzouqa
Companies typically generate a lot of documents every day, and they depend on a variety of documents and records. If your organization relies heavily on creating and managing documents like most businesses do, you may find it hard to keep them organized.
That’s where a document management system, DMS, comes into play. A DMS that allows you to easily capture, store, and retrieve documents can offer several advantages for your organization.
09 August, 2021
The double-impact for zero-conflict course schedule management, part 2
By: Omar Abdulhafiz
In our previous article, we stated that there are two main systems for creating a conflict-free course schedule. Then, we discussed the role of the registration management system in creating it. In this article, we shall pick up where we left off and discuss the role of the other element we briefly mentioned: The timetable management system.
In our previous article, we stated that there are two main systems for creating a conflict-free course schedule. Then, we discussed the role of the registration management system in creating it. In this article, we shall pick up where we left off and discuss the role of the other element we briefly mentioned: The timetable management system.
And to begin with, it is safe to say the conflict elimination is one of the most critical missions of a timetable management system. The more the system can generate a coherent, efficient and conflict-free course schedule, the more we are inclined to consider it a powerful and reliable system.
02 August, 2021
The double-impact for zero-conflict course schedule management
By: Omar Abdulhafiz
Across the entire education sector, there are two major challenges: Creating a class timetable that is conflict-free, and –particularly in the case of universities and colleges-- resolving any conflicts that may occur during the course registration process. These two challenges are a well-known concerns in both the K-12 as well as on the higher-education levels, although with varying circumstances and magnitude.
Even as students, nearly all of us have been through the struggle of having to register for two courses only to find out that they overlap, or even take place at the exact same time. It is thus no question that this problem causes a hindrance to the overall efficiency and smoothness of the educational process. But how do you solve it?
26 July, 2021
4 ways the Cloud can revolutionize the legal sector
By: Omar Abdulhafiz
Cloud technology continues to have a rising impact on various industries for the past decade. We saw in a previous article how the education sector is witnessing remarkable transformation with the Cloud technology, and we can find this for numerous other sectors. If this means anything, it means that the Cloud is becoming the new mainstream in business management systems.
The legal industry is no exception. According to the American Bar Association, at least 52% of US law firms in 2017 utilized some type of Cloud-based software to run their law firm. And this percentage only continues to increase especially in the light of on-going shockwave of the COVID-19 pandemic and its huge influence on all facets of our life, including the way we do business.
Therefore, here are 4 of the most notable ways the Cloud revamps the legal sector.
12 July, 2021
How can software enhance the safety of your company security?
By: Cesilia Faustina
Ensuring company security is crucial for the success of any organization. It is why this is not a matter to take lightly. Many businesses have spent a lot of money to ensure their safety, physically and virtually. This trend has somewhat changed now though, with the rise of self-employment and of course, COVID-19. According to Market Research Reports, the industry concentration has declined over years thanks to the rise of self-employed individuals, however, a security trend that seems to be rising is investment in cyber security. This makes sense seeing how today many jobs solely depend on their computers, and with the work-from-home trend and self-employment, this dependency can only increase.
business software,
05 July, 2021
5 Additional Features Your Inventory Management System Should Have
By: Ola Azzouqa
Inventory Management is an essential step in the supply-chain network. Using an inventory management system, one can keep track of inventory and stock quantities in and out of the warehouse. The objective of managing inventory is to have a clear picture of the quantities that need to be addressed and be aware of inventory locations at any given time.
While keeping track of stock manually can be troublesome and difficult, properly controlled inventory automatically sets the supply-chain management in place.
This is where Inventory Management system comes to the rescue! Having a reliable inventory management system is vital to ensure you don’t spend your time figuring out how much stock you have and avoid stock-outs. Moreover, an efficient Inventory Management system helps inventory businesses carry out crucial tasks such as tracking shipments, monitoring products levels, scanning barcodes, and more.
28 June, 2021
All you need to know about digital patient engagement
By: Omar Abdulhafiz
In a previous article, we talked about the future of telemedicine as a rising trend due to the difficulties brought about by the COVID-19 crisis. We discussed several real-life cases where telemedicine truly played a vital role in protecting the sustainability of healthcare services amidst the hard and delicate circumstances caused by the pandemic.
Yet after tackling the curious case of telemedicine in particular, let us take a step back and talk about the concept of digital patient engagement as a whole. Thus in this article, we will be answering the following questions:
- What exactly is digital patient engagement?
- How can we improve it?
- What are the tools that can help doctors in boosting their patients’ overall engagement in their healthcare process?
21 June, 2021
Where does Telemedicine stand after the COVID outbreak?
By: Omar Abdul-Hafiz
There is no question that 2020 was an extraordinary year in all facets of life, and most remarkably in the healthcare sector. One major challenge that faced the world during those difficult times was maintaining adequate and smooth access to healthcare services while at the same time maintaining sufficient social distancing. One of the major ways that this was achieved was through the fast emerging trend of Telemedicine.
Telemedicine, despite its limitations, has indeed proven quite useful in maintaining continuous communication between doctors and their patients, especially for cases that required routine check-ups.
But before we go further into the discussion, let us first differentiate between Telemedicine and Telehealth as these two terms often get mixed up.
14 June, 2021
4 essential ways to keep yourself safe online
By: Lana Bawaneh
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of technology and the Internet has become even more essential. Almost everyone is now using the Internet and digital technologies. A lot of people, regardless of their age group and occupation, use the Internet to study, interact, work, shop, and perform almost all of their everyday duties and responsibilities. Technology and Internet coverage are developing very rapidly to fulfill people needs and this huge demand. And while it has a lot of advantages, it also has some risks and disadvantages. Technology, for example, can create dependencies, disconnect people socially, reduce human physical activities, and may expose the privacy and security of data.
07 June, 2021
How does gamification improve learning? 3 simple ways
By: Omar Abdul-Hafiz
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The 21st of April this year marked the 239th birthday of the renowned German educator and pedagogue, Friedrich Fröbel. Perhaps the most remarkable contribution made by Fröbel was the invention of the kindergarten where nowadays many of us drop off our kids on our way to work.
But what exactly do kids do at the kindergarten? Learn the alphabet? Sing? Meet new friends?
Probably a combination of those things, and more. But there’s this one main ingredient that makes the kindergarten what it is. It’s called… fun! As simple as that. According to Fröbel, “Play is the highest expression of human development in childhood for it alone is the free expression of what is in a child's soul.”
31 May, 2021
Why blogs are important for business
By: Cesilia Faustina
In marketing, there are plenty of strategies employed to aim for greater audiences and creating the right brand. As audiences diversify and demands change, these strategies constantly need to develop and keep up. One of those strategies that are commonly used to keep up with these changing times, is blogging. Marketing now has taken over the digital space and blogs are one of the digital solutions being utilized to improve business performance. As a marketer, you may ask why we waste our time about blogs though? It’s not like blogs are solely dedicated to talk about the company’s products anyways. Well, there are plenty of reasons businesses create blogs, and it can not only help you to sell products, but also create the ideal brand for the company.
Here are some reasons why blogs are important for business:
24 May, 2021
3 major concerns about Cloud Computing in healthcare - Answered!
By: Omar Abdul-Hafiz
Cloud computing is increasingly becoming the new mainstream of the business IT landscape. According to statistics, the global Cloud computing market is forecast to grow at Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 17.5% from USD 371.4 billion in 2020 to reach as high as USD 823.1 billion by 2025. This big growth is an indication that various industries and business sectors are quickly moving their IT infrastructures into the Cloud.
In the healthcare sector in particular, we can see a similar picture. Statistics show that the healthcare Cloud computing market is expected to grow at CAGR of 18.1%, from USD 28.1 billion in 2020 to USD 64.7 billion by 2025.
Yet despite these numbers, many healthcare providers still have some concerns about the applicability of Cloud computing in the healthcare sector. In this article, we will shed the light on 3 of the most pressing concerns and provide a definitive answer for each them.
So, here they are.
17 May, 2021
A content management system is your starting point for a powerful website!
By: Lana Bawa'neh
In this digital world we live in, looking for information became much easier with the existence of the Internet. People can now search for any kind of information and find them instantly. Not only that, they can also search for businesses, products, and services they are planning to purchase.
Having a website for business is not a luxury, but a necessity. Websites act as digital showrooms for products and services companies are offering. Therefore, investing in a website can lead to many benefits. According to Forbes, the below are top reasons why it’s important for businesses to have a website:
10 May, 2021
The 4 customer experience best practices!
By: Lana Bawa'neh
With all the technological innovations, business owners and especially software providers are eager to exploit the latest technological trends so they can keep up with the market competitors. They always look forward to having the best talents and tools so they can create and develop new products and services that match the market’s needs.
While most business owners are keen to keep up with market trends and put their new ideas into reality in order to increase their sales revenues, have more customers and expand their business, not all of them were attentive to enhance and improve their existing products and work on improving their customers’ experience. However, customer experience is now becoming just as important as product quality and price.
03 May, 2021
How to create the ideal virtual management process in the WFH era
By: Cesilia Faustina
As a manager, the working from home (WFH) protocol may be a bit of a challenge, especially if managing through the online sphere is not something you are used to. Fair enough, managing a team in person is hard enough, let alone remotely. Thus, the great dependency for online video calls these days (to the point where it gets annoying). Many teams forget that there is more to the work-from-home management than simply having video calls. Creating a healthy and comfortable work environment is crucial in making sure employees are doing the best to their abilities. And creating that environment is definitely possible, even remotely. Here are some tips to try and achieve it.
26 April, 2021
5 systems to make your remote work productive and secure
By: Lana Bawa'neh
The COVID-19 global pandemic has changed business operations around the world. Many organizations switched to remote work in order to continue their operations. At the start, it was hard to have such a sudden change from an in-person working routine to remote working. Many organizations faced, and some of them are still facing problems adapting to this new situation.
Organizations are embracing digital transformation to overcome the obstacles in this new situation, and to ensure the continuity of their business operations. Digital technology has a great impact on accelerating work, where most challenges of working remotely can now be partially or even fully solved with the use of digital technology.
19 April, 2021
Will technology make us jobless? 3 reasons why it won’t
By: Omar Abdul-Hafiz
Throughout much of the industrial revolution in the 1800s and the first half of the 20th century, there was an occupation popular in many parts of Europe at the time called the ‘knocker-upper’. The main responsibility of a knock-upper was pretty simple: wake people up! A knocker-upper would walk around the town holding a long stick, baton, or even a pea-shooter to knock on people’s doors or windows early in the morning so they can get up and go to work on time.
This occupation, however, was soon to fade away with the development and spread of alarm clocks. As a result, we can already feel that these little devices have rendered knocker-uppers jobless as their services were no longer needed. But is it really as bad as it seems? In the short term, perhaps. But why don’t we look at the bigger picture?
In this article, here are 3 simple points that demonstrate how, especially in the long run, technological advancement will almost certainly not cause mass unemployment.
12 April, 2021
How to avoid being burnout at work
By: Cesilia Faustina
We all have those days, the classic being burnout from work. Most people go through this, especially when it comes to work stress and falling into the cycle of a routine. Though it is a common thing most people go through nowadays, it is still not as easy for people to deal with. And this is why it is important to understand what exactly I am talking about when I say, “burnout.” People tend to take this for granted but understanding the symptoms of a burnout is the first step in getting better and realising that there may be a problem in one’s life.
What I mean by burnout here refers to the feeling of exhaustion and unmotivated desires that may lead to mental and emotional strains. WHO defined it as a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that is characterized by feelings of energy depletion, feelings of negativism related to one’s job, and reduced professional efficacy. As was stated in a BBC article, according to Siobhán Murray, a psychotherapist based in County Dublin, Ireland, pre-burnout symptoms may be very similar to depression. This may include things like feelings of tiredness that won’t go away and relying on sugar to get you through the day.
05 April, 2021
What can a maintenance system do for manufacturing?
By: Ola Azzouqa
Owning a factory, any kind of equipment, or a fleet of vehicles requires maintaining the equipment, machines, or vehicles that are being used. As the cost of maintaining a piece of equipment is usually lower than fixing it, maintaining machinery is one of the most essential things a large manufacturing company can do for itself and its bank account.
Machines and equipment are the backbones of any manufacturing company, with production potentially slowing down or completely stopping every time a machine breaks down. Even one day without the right tools can make it very difficult for businesses to meet their production goals. This is why maintenance is key for business.
29 March, 2021
6 tips for a more efficient recruitment process
By: Omar Abdul-Hafiz
We all know how recruiting new talent can be tedious and complicated as finding a needle in a haystack. Especially now with the power of the Web, the job applications a single job announcement receives can be numbered in the thousands. Do you really need to sift through all these documents one-by-one just to single out a few candidates that proceed to the next level of the hiring stage?
Do you even have the time, let alone the effort, to do that? Of course not!
So, in this article, we will give you 6 simple tips that will certainly make this mission all the easier for you. So, here goes!
22 March, 2021
4 core ways automation boosts quality management
By: Omar Abdul-Hafiz
In the world of business, product/service quality plays a critical role in maintaining a healthy and sustainable relationship with the customer. This is a universal fact that applies in virtually every sector, from healthcare to insurance, and even microfinance. Moreover, quality management is essential for making sure the different processes in your organization are going according to a specific and sturdy plan so that all your resources are being utilized efficiently and results are being achieved effectively.
But how do we make the best out of our quality management efforts? Well, the short answer is: automation. The long answer, however, is: utilizing digital technology in automating complex, repetitive tasks and documenting the procedures systematically every step of the way.
18 March, 2021
What to expect from the e-payment sector in this new digital age
By: Cesilia Faustina
Throughout the years, the global payment sector has experienced somewhat of stability until the start of 2020 when COVID-19 struct. The changes brought by the pandemic had huge impacts on the payment industry. A McKinsey report saw the global payment industry receding by 22 percent within the first six months in 2020, in comparison with 2019. It also predicted a loss of $140 billion in 2020. The year 2020 did have a big impact on the payment sector, many businesses have slowed down or even shut down completely. This has caused a shift and greater dependency for digital means. E-payment became a huge contributor to the global payment industry and coming into 2021, people are still depending on it. E-payment is producing more investors and innovators to push the sector forward.
15 March, 2021
An introduction to user documentation
By: Lana Bawa'neh
In this modern time, people always look to the latest technological devices and solutions that can make their lives easier. When purchasing any piece of technology, people will immediately look for any kind of instructions that shall guide them through their installation, set-up, and even how to use the device. Whether it is a new mobile phone or a new washing machine, people will always seek fast and immediate support, training, and assistance.
The need for guidance is not limited to hardware but also includes software. User documentation is very important to be included in any software system. It is like a bank of knowledge that people can refer to in order to gain information at any time. There are many factors that contribute to the success of a software product; user documentation is one of them. A well-written guide improves the quality of the system and makes it easier for users to utilize without having to contact support all the time.
11 March, 2021
How software can help clinics overcome their challenges
By: Ola Azzouqa
Nowadays, clinics’ patients will not only look at the doctor’s expertise to judge the doctor, they will also look at the staff, general office esthetic, and technology used. From the moment patients take the appointment, they start forming a general idea about a practice. All of the clinic procedures, whether done manually or automatically, can have a significant impact on the patients' thoughts and perceptions. And since we only have one chance to make a first impression, the whole practice must convey quality. This is why it is necessary to have up-to-date technology that automates all of the procedures done at a practice.
According to Doctor Mohammad Manna, who has been in the industry for more than 20 years, having a digitalized system in his centre improved the way he runs his business. “Having a system that handles appointments, patients’ files, and billings saves time and effort which allows us to focus more on patient care and wellness and eventually increase their satisfaction.”
04 March, 2021
How the vaccination rollouts will affect the tech industry
By: Cesilia Faustina
Vaccinations are on the way and many countries have resorted to their own vaccine plans. With this vaccination process though, comes a new cross-innovation method, the tech-vaccine process. Many countries and government bodies have turned to technology to help organize the vaccination processes. What was once a gruelling manual process filled with long lines and risks have turned to the help of technology for a more risk-free and socially distanced process. By collaborating with tech companies, governments are able to tackle any logistical issues that may take place.
01 March, 2021
How the digital economy is fueling the wellness industry
By: Cesilia Faustina
The health and wellness sector are multi-billion dollar industries. The concept of health and wanting to have a healthy life has always existed since ancient times, however, it really gained momentum in the 1950s-1970s thanks to the influence of a network of well-known physicians and thinkers in the US. The wellness industry today has a much more different concept. What was once a top-down approach to health, where health information would be distributed from dominant thinkers and prestigious institutions, has turned into a participatory approach. The public can now easily receive information about health through various sources and distributors, something made especially apparent with the rise of the digital economy.
25 February, 2021
3 core pillars of effective information handling in the radiology sector
By: Omar Abdul-Hafiz
The radiology sector, much like all other areas of healthcare, has seen quite a great deal of development throughout the years. Since the advent of state-of-the-art technologies like CT Scanning and MRI, and their continuous development, the amount of medical data produced every year is enormous. Likewise, the ever-expanding applications of state-of-the-art telecommunication technology have brought more opportunities for faster exchange of medical information between medical staff among themselves, and between them and their patients as well.
In this article, we shall discuss 3 core pillars of effective information handling in the context of radiology. These pillars are:
About ESKADENIA Software
ESKADENIA® Software is a three-time MENA Award Winner & CMMI® level 3 certified company that is active in the design, development and deployment of a range of software products in the Telecom, Insurance, Enterprise, Education, Healthcare, and Internet application areas. The company is based in Jordan and has sales activities in Europe, the Middle East and Africa; more than 85% of its sales are exported to the global market. For more information, visit, or contact us at